Golf Backswing – Load and Flex

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Golf Backswing – Load and Flex

This is a very important tip if you want to learn how to use your lower body to hit the ball as opposed to your arms.

As you go into your backswing you need to not only be thinking about coiling but loading onto a flexed back knee as well. If you sway, straighten the back knee or do a reverse pivot you are in no position to start down.

As you load and flex the back knee properly you will be in position to start the lower body first. When you do this (without trying to hit the ball hard with your arms) the clubshaft will flatten in the downswing allowing the club to attack from the inside. This will deliver more direct contact on the back of the ball as well as start the ball on the right direction. Couple this with a square clubface and you have powerful, straight shots.

The golf backswing is tricky to master but the first step is understanding what you have to do. Once you know this you can start working on each piece so you build a solid backswing positions.

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