Gold Standard Downswing Drill For Deep Shots Downswing

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You shallow it out with you know forms Are you doing it with your body if You're steep you're steep and what you Need to do is learn to get it under and A lot of times people are steep because The axis tilt a lot of times they don't Turn their shoulders back and they open Quick there's just so many different Reasons people are steep but no matter What the reason is we would love to Exaggerate getting this Club from under This red thing which I put it out and if You did a perfect backswing parallel to Ball line here it would barely barely Touch here okay so we're gonna try and Exaggerate it a little bit more now a Lot of people are uncomfortable with That a lot of my players hate this but I Don't care if they hate it okay well I Don't even care I even got people Slamming this and breaking it all over So you could put something a little Softer like one of the water noodle Things it's up to you so what I'd like To see is from here this is called four O'clock this is 12 this is 1 this is 2 And this is 3 and this is 4 now are we Really coming in from 4 well when most Players are coming they feel like it and As they turn they're really at 3 but Right now we're going to exaggerate Being at 4 to 8 okay this being 9 over Here so how I would start this drills I'd start from pre here to pre here to

Here so you just do you started here Here here and you do some little half Shots like that now that things drawn a Lot okay because I'm way dumped under Now let me do one full now and is this Scary yeah it is for most players Because they can't take it dead outside So what you want to do is feel like You're here to here get a little feel First then take one of the top and start To draw it from the inside okay that's Be the best way to do it okay now what I Like a lot of players to do is start With their legs moving around first now What that does is get their hand pathway Out here okay now why they're doing it It doesn't have to shell if they just Turn it here they're gonna come over the Top so what I'm trying to get them to do Is understand how to get this as they're Rotating rotate to rotate down this way Now people go oh I'm gonna get to under Now keep turning You'll get parallel to your feet line Here so the key is not to push the hand Path over here that's death I go up to The top and start to open Boom see he does that very very good He's probably the best ever seen so go Ahead and demonstrate for us Johnny up The top and then open it up very good Okay now do it one more time now go to The top and don't get too vertical here Get playing okay so a lot of

Players will just stay on plane and then Come back down on plane that would be Easier for most the reason that Johnny And I is for a feel like to get more Vertical and then shallow because it Feels better Moore's more swing speed For sure and it actually helps you not Over draw the ball in our opinion okay What I like to do is I like to put my Hand on the inside of my thigh here make Sure this left knee goes I see some People when I say get the left knee out Third he's starting it out here but I Always let him know I say listen try and Jump without actually bending your knees It's impossible you have to load and Unload okay so in the athletic emotion We're doing we want to actually get it To load in and then load out so we're Not just keeping it out because it's out No we're here okay so let's do this We're going to load into a straight line Is that perfect no there's no perfect to Be in here wherever but I just don't Want it out here because I want you to Get a full turn here boom boom Now the first move we're going to take Is the inside quad and get it fully Externally rotated see that right there So you just do a lot of these I'm Friends with Alex and Danielle King and Lydia ko is good friends with them and All she does and their kitchen is this Goes boom boom okay and I thought that

Was interesting because that's what I've Always done and I've never seen anybody Else do it so she's pretty good so you Go to top you get this thing to go Around as this goes into flexion all the Way around once that kneecap is at 3 O'clock straighten it out boom simple as That