FIGHTING the WIND in my second round After Lockdown | Golf Course Vlog

I am Fighting the wind in my second recorded round after lockdown. Find out if, after some practice sessions at the driving range and a couple of practice rounds, my golf has improved again. Can I make a PAR this time? I surely hope so …


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My golf addiction started early in 2018 after a somewhat random intro to the game with some friends on a sunny sunday afternoon (sound rather cliché doesn’t it). Anyway, I got hooked and got my Golf Ability License (GVB in Belgium) and thus my 36 Hcp. in March 2018.

After my first summer season I got my handicap down to 16.7 and was quite some experiences richer and determined that I absolutely love golf and want to get as far in this game as I possibly can.

Last summer (2019) I got my handicap down to 7.4 (which I currently still am and will be for a while due to winter season).

This winter I will be practicing and grinding to get more consistent and hopefully this will lead to a handicap of 4 or lower during the 2020 season.

While trying to achieve this feat, I will share my new experiences with you guys, as well as the tips and tricks I learn along the way. Overal I hope to inspire and share my love for the game.

Any comments, tips, tricks or ideas for the channel will always be greatly appreciated.

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