Feel vs. Real – Top 10 Tips From YouTube Golf Instructors – Tip 5 – Moe Norman – Golf Test Dummy

Feel vs. Real – Top 10 Tips From YouTube Golf Instructors – Tip 5 – Golf Test Dummy

#golftips #moenorman #top10golf

This is episode 5 of this series on the top 10 golf tips as I understand them from YouTube golf instructors. This episode is deals with Moe Norman and how I feel he can help us understand the difference between feel and real in the golf swing. If you’ve happened upon this episode first, I recommend going back and starting at episode 1.

These 10 golf tips are meant for average or beginning golfers who don’t have loads of time to practice, don’t have access or means to work with a professional, or just find the entire learning process in golf too confusing. I’m no pro, but I’ve spent a lot of time watching tons of YouTube instruction.

I find that for all the differing views and ideas you find among teachers, there are also a lot of common threads that can be cherry picked and worked in to your swing. Not all components work together, and George Gankas is actually fond of talking about elements being “matched up”.

Below is a list of golf instructors that I feel have some very good ideas and I think you should find their channels and load up on great information.

Jim Venetos Golf Academy

Shawn Clement – Wisdom in Golf

Steve Johnston PGA

Ron Sisson – Learn the Real Swing

JH – 1atomicgolf

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See also  How to STOP Losing SPINE ANGLE in Downswing

For a wealth of information about Moe Norman, check out Todd Graves on YouTube, as well as his webpage. He teaches the single plane swing and knew Moe Norman better than anyone most likely.

Be sure to check these channels out for more info!

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