ELIMINATE Excess Tilt | Shallow Golf Swing

Getting That Perfect Golf Swing

It is a notion that golf is only for the wealthy. Well, anyone can play this beautiful game provided one knows how to play. If you are new to the game of golf, you have a long road waiting ahead. While thinking of golf just gives us the idea of those divine puts, there are many more technicalities that go into the game.

Don’t Read This – Unless You Want to Play Better Golf!

To perform your best on the golf course you must be aware of the words you use when you talk to yourself. Some words can influence you to play better and some… well some words actually can make you play worse.

Golf Equipment Every New Person Needs

Getting overwhelmed by golf equipment available today is very easy to do, particularly when you first begin playing. There are lots of things advertised as the ideal golf equipment for newbies, but a lot of them actually do fall short as being ideal for beginners. When you choose the right equipment to help develop a firm foundation in golf you will be a lot better off than spending a ton of money on gear that is not going to provide much help to your game.

What to Do First to Get Back in the Game of Golf

When we start getting back into nice weather and start getting that yearning back into your golf game, where should your concentration be? Perhaps a question you should ask before that is: what is really the most important part of hitting a golf ball? If you search for advice on what you should concentrate on, you will read “practice” and “take lessons”. That of course goes without saying. If you want to play good golf, you have to practice and you should get some professional advice.

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Good Backswing Tips For Golfers

For a good backswing the most important part is to maintain the flexibility you need. Mastering golf is all about perfecting your postures and moves. If you have been trained by some accomplished golfers, you would have often seen them laying enough emphasis on moving the head a bit when you get the club back.

How to Take Good Care of Your Golf Towels

Golf has always been the symbol of style and class. In other terms, it has also been considered as the game for elites. Many people enjoy and love to spend their leisure time in playing such games.

Should a Golfer Get Help and Have Lessons?

Should a golfer have lessons? Is paying to receive expert tuition from a golf professional worth the outlay in terms of your cash? The pros and cons are discussed here.

Be Selective When Shopping for Ladies Golf Shoes

Even though there are a lot of ladies golf shoes for you to choose from, you should shop with a bit of caution. Make sure any footwear you purchase is made by a credible brand that is known for quality.

Can You Become Instantly Confident? You Can If You Pose Like This!

The body influences the mind and the mind influences the body. When your body assumes a confident pose your mind soon follows with a feeling of self-assurance. Learn how new research has verified the mind/body connection and how you can almost instantly become confident by just posing like a confident person poses.

The 7 Hottest Golf Cart Accessories for 2013
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The weather is starting to heat up and it is time to get back to golfing! Find out the 7 hottest golf cart accessories for 2013 so you can have the coolest golf cart on the course!

The Golf Lesson – Setup (Part One)

This is the first part of a series of articles that will take a student through the basics of developing a golf swing written by a PGA golf professional. Highlighting the articles will be some common problems and difficulties encountered by the students while practicing and specific drills with the use of training aid devices to help offset them.

Guide to Effective Golf Course Management

Smart golfers carefully think through every shot before they ever step up to hit it. They think through all the factors that will go into the shot, and then they will create a sure plan. In this manner they will be able to hit every shot with confidence,…

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