Driving a Motorhome for the first time! (Camper driving Tips for newbies and beginners)

Driving a Motorhome for the first time! (Camper driving Tips for newbies and beginners)

I drove our motorhome for the first time- which is the first time I’ve driven ANY of our motorhomes on an actual road.
And we just happened to be in France, in a UK motorhome… driving on the wrong side of the road!

We share tips for driving a motorhome or camper in France and Europe, as well as tips for newbies to motorhomes who have never driven one before (like me!)

If you’re nervous about driving a motorhome in UK, France, Europe or USA- this video will hopefully help and show you it’s not as bad as it seems!

Good luck.

#motorhome #driving #tips #France #camper #Europe

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