Drill To Switch To A Body Swing vs. Arms Swing

When it comes to perfecting your golf swing, many golfers find themselves troubled between choosing a body swing or an arms swing. Fortunately, there is a drill that can help you make a seamless transition to a body swing. In this blog post, we will explore this drill and provide valuable insights, tips, and techniques to help golfers of all skill levels improve their swing mechanics. With a clear focus on utilizing the body’s rotation rather than relying solely on arm movement, this drill will undoubtedly take your swing to the next level. So, let’s delve into this highly effective training method and unlock the secrets of a powerful and consistent body swing.


In the world of golf, there are endless techniques and drills that promise to improve your swing and lower your score. One such drill that has gained significant popularity is the “Drill to Switch to a Body Swing vs. Arms Swing” introduced by Paul Wilson Golf. With the aim to help golfers transition from an arms swing to a more effective body swing, this drill has garnered attention for its unique approach and promising results. In this article, we will delve deeper into the key concepts behind this drill and explore the benefits it offers to golfers of all skill levels.

Hitting the Ball with the Body: A More Effective Technique

Traditionally, many golfers rely heavily on their arms to generate power and control in their swing. However, the “Drill to Switch to a Body Swing vs. Arms Swing” challenges this conventional wisdom by advocating for the use of the body to hit the ball, rather than relying solely on arm strength. According to Paul Wilson Golf, hitting the ball with the body provides a more efficient and effective technique, resulting in improved accuracy and increased distance.

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Changing the Mindset: A Core Focus of the Drill

The central focus of this drill is to change the way golfers think about their swing. Instead of relying on arm movements, the drill encourages golfers to turn off their arms and use their legs and hips to power the swing. By shifting the mindset from an arms swing to a body swing, golfers can experience a renewed sense of control and consistency in their game.

The Drill: Stopping at the Top of the Backswing

To help golfers transition to a body swing, the drill involves a specific sequence of movements. At the top of the backswing, golfers are instructed to pause and consciously think about turning their belt buckle towards the target. This deliberate interruption in the swing allows golfers to focus on engaging their body and generating power from their core rather than relying solely on arm strength.

Practice Anywhere: Range or Home

One of the great advantages of the “Drill to Switch to a Body Swing vs. Arms Swing” is its versatility. This drill can be practiced either at a golf range or in the comfort of one’s own home. Whether you have a full range at your disposal or just a small space to swing a club, you can effectively work on transitioning to a body swing and reap the benefits of this technique.

Changing Your Mindset and Learning a Body Swing

The ultimate goal of this drill is to change the golfer’s mindset and instill a body swing as the default technique. By practicing the drill consistently and implementing the key principles, golfers can gradually transition from an arms swing to a body swing, leading to improved performance on the course.

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Free Samples of the Body Swing Book and Video Series

For those who want to delve deeper into the concepts behind the body swing and reinforce their learning, Paul Wilson Golf offers free samples of the Body Swing book and video series. These valuable resources provide comprehensive guidance, tips, and techniques to further enhance your golf game.

In conclusion, the “Drill to Switch to a Body Swing vs. Arms Swing” introduced by Paul Wilson Golf presents a fresh and effective approach to improving your golf swing. By focusing on hitting the ball with the body and changing the mindset, golfers can experience enhanced control, accuracy, and power in their game. So why wait? Start practicing this drill today and unlock your true potential on the golf course.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How long does it take to transition from an arms swing to a body swing using this drill?
  2. Can this drill be beneficial for golfers of all skill levels?
  3. Is it necessary to pause at the top of the backswing during the drill?
  4. Does Paul Wilson Golf offer personalized coaching or lessons?
  5. Are the free samples of the Body Swing book and video series enough to improve my golf swing significantly?