Drill to Fix Over the Top

Over the Top swing plane refers to a path that is above the swing plane on the downswing. This path produces an out-to-in swing path, which imparts an unwanted spin on our ball. The result is typically a weak-right or slice. Instead, we need an in-to-out swing path. Where I see players go off the swing plane the most is in the transition. So, let’s get your transition on the “inside to more solid shots” path!


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CHRISTINA RICCI IS LPGA CLASS A, TPI GOLF LEVEL 3 CERTIFIED AND A BEST-SELLING GOLF AUTHOR. Christina took up the game in 2000 and quickly dropped to a 5 handicap in 5 short years. She currently has 4 books and her popular golf tips are featured on the Golf Channel as well as top golf magazines including Golf Tips Magazine this August. More than 100,000 are enjoying more pars thanks to Christina’s signature style of teaching, which includes re-creatable visuals, non-technical language, mixed with a splash of humor that keeps the game fun. Check out her books here: /

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