DELOFT Your Driver Shots | Deep Distance Golf Swing



When swinging drivers, the slower your club speed, the likelihood of loft needing optimization will be higher to increase both carry and roll. Me and my golf students often deloft our drivers when needed, as no two swings are ever the same.

While some top speed golf pros may advise against delofting your driver, reducing loft can actually assist some players with making cleaner, solid contact if they’re able to achieve a positive angle of attack as well.

Me and my golf students optimize the loft on our drivers in order to maximize the carry, distance and rollout of our drive shots.

George Gankas golf videos have gained worldwide attention from the global golf community. With countless golfers internationally adopting the methods discussed in George’s videos, his content has become the talk of every major golf media outlet and even landed him next to Butch Harmon on the cover of Golf Digest.

The GG Swing Method Online Golf Academy continues to be one of the most popular ways for players to improve their golf swing. By applying George Gankas golf strategies to their game, several players have encountered instant improvements that have lead to better understanding and enjoyment every time they swing their club. As Gankas aims to amplify the natural swing of a player while correcting any flawed motion, his golf VLOGs have become some of the most popular videos about the game on every major streaming platform.

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Modern drivers have degrees of loft that vary from 8.5 to 16. Most top speed golf pros that compete in long drive showcase clubs with 4 to 7.5 degrees of variance on loft. Higher ball speeds will often generate more flight on the ball which allows the ball to rise quite quickly immediately after impact.

Most modern clubs allow golfers to adjust their loft down or up by 1 or 2 degrees. This will be vital information for any player that intends to be fitted for a driver in the future. Understanding the exact loft of your driver, your typical club speed, launch angle and your angle of attack can help any specialized outfitter in setting you up with the best possible driver. For golfers unable to change their angle of attack, optimizing effective loft in your driver will provide the best carry and rollout possible.


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00:00 Driving On Command
00:22 Assessing Spin Rate on Drives
01:45 How Loft Affects Driver Shots
02:28 Why Golfers ADD Loft to Drive Shots
03:00 Delofting Your Driver Shots
04:31 Swinging Longer Drivers

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