CHEST to HIPS Square Swing Golf Lesson

Some Points on How to Choose Your Driver

Most golfers want to start their game in an impressive manner and this usually means taking a driver on the first shot and definitely on most par fours and fives. This is to ensure that they get as far down the fairway as they can.

Selecting the Best Golf Shoes

When it comes to choosing golf shoes the decision is a very personal choice. The golfer needs to be specific about his selection. Questions about the weather he plays in and the style he likes the look of should be asked. He should also make sure that the shoes are a comfortable fit as he

Best Way To Lower Your Golf Score

What shot consumes the most strokes in your golf game? What is the best way to drop the maximum number of strokes from your score? How much money in lessons and drills is this going to cost me?

Etiquette of Golf for the Golf Game

We talk so much on your golf swing and additional mechanics, and sometimes don’t give enough thought to golf etiquette, which are in truth golf basics everybody should be acquainted with and respect. The golf game, to be sure, has a lot more than its share of rules and regulations, and a lot of the etiquette of golf that participants playing the golf game are expected to know are taught simply by custom and observing the proper way to conduct themselves. Consequently with that in mind, let’s go through a little checklist on etiquette of golf basics.

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Playing Golf in Bad Weather

This article offers advice to those who wish to challenge themselves and play in poorer weather conditions. I advise on clothing and mindset, and impress upon you that there is a sense of achievement to be had playing a game when the elements are more hostile than normal. Practice should be done all year round, not just when it is sunny.

What Golf And Your Marriage Have In Common?

So you love to get out the house and play golf sometimes, right? If you’re a married man, this sentiment will ring truer to you than I can even talk about in this article. Luckily, I am going to describe what your marriage and your golf habit have in common.

Golfing Equipment – How to Choose a Golf Bag

There are four main types of golf bags to choose from when considering getting a golf bag. These types are cart bags, carry bags, tour (staff) bags, and stand bags.

Tips for Making Money At a Golf Outing

This article consists of tips for making money at a golf outing and is not a guide. Do not use the suggestions listed if you feel they are not good.

Can an Ordinary Player Achieve the Tiger Woods’ Golf Swing?

The Tiger Woods’ golf swing, circa 2008, was about the best a swing can golfer get in actual practice. The stance was closer to the ball, bent at the hips with shoulders properly straight and aligned with the spine. What did the swing produce?

Selecting The Best The PinSeeker Rangefinder

You don’t want to purchase “any old” golf ranger finders. You will want to purchase those devices which are top of the line and integrate PinSeeker Technology into the mix. Why buy any device that is anything less than the best range finder on the market? Some might mention that the price of the rangefinder might be the impediment. However, cost may not necessarily be the issue here. Contrary to what some might assume, the truth is that there are golf range finders with this innovative technology that are available for a variety of different budget ranges.

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New to Golf – Get Some Lessons From Your PGA Professional

I never cease to be amazed by the number of golf beginners I come across who believe that they can become proficient at the game by taking lessons from their best mate or from online tutorials. This is a false assumption. Having decided to buy some new golf clubs and to play the game my recommendation to anyone in this early stage of their career would be to invest in some golf lessons from a PGA qualified professional.

5 Free Golf Tips to Long Putts

If you are not prepared, long putts will cost you strokes. Misjudge the putt and there is a good chance that you will end up with a three putt or worse. This is why it is so important to get the first putt close.

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