The One Plane Golf Swing – The Wrist Hinge

The One Plane Golf Swing – The Wrist Hinge

PGA Golf Coach Ged Walters shows you how your wrists hinge in the one plane backswing. Subscribe to Ged Walters Golf YouTube channel for lots of great golf tips, course blogs, trick shots and much more…… Ged delivers individual and group coaching at Trafford Golf Centre in Manchester. For information on how you can train…

Shallow your plane on the downswing

Shallow your plane on the downswing

If you tend to be too steep on your downswing, Swingpal instructor Jim Williams has a great tip to help you flatten your swing plane as you approach the ball.

Golf Swing Plane is NOT a Golf Swing Fundamental!

Golf Swing Plane is NOT a Golf Swing Fundamental!

Say what!!! Yep, you read the title right, golf swing plane, by the very definition of the word, can NOT be a golf swing fundamental! So, if you’re working on your golf swing and trying to learn golf swing basics and are working on correcting your swing plane, you may be working on the wrong…

Swing The Golf Club On Plane Leadbetter Drill

Swing The Golf Club On Plane Leadbetter Drill

PGA Golf Professional Piers Ward demonstrates one of David Leadbetter’s drills to swing the golf club on plane.

The Golf Swing Club Path and Swing Plane

The Golf Swing Club Path and Swing Plane

Get Mark’s iPhone App Like Mark Crossfield on Facebook Follow Mark/4golfonline on twitter How to improve the golf swing with some sound advice from Mark Crossfield. Watch this golf lesson on swing plane and club path as Mark helps another golfer with his swing through his iPhone App. This pupil has a disconnected backswing and…

Don's Golf Tip Corner – Swing Plane

Don's Golf Tip Corner – Swing Plane

Makray Memorial Golf Club’s PGA Golf Professional, Don Habjan explains what a perfect straight swing has in common with the roof of a house.

Golf Instruction – Backswing Plane – Mike Bury Golf

Golf Instruction – Backswing Plane – Mike Bury Golf

Mike Bury gives a tip to help improve your backswing plane, and avoid getting too flat.

SCGA Swing Tip: Arm Plane

SCGA Swing Tip: Arm Plane

David Curtis, PGA discusses how your arm plane affects the direction of your iron shots.

Golf Swing Lesson Swing Plane

Golf Swing Lesson Swing Plane

Mark Crossfield shows you how to improve your swing plane with a simple golf drill. Play better golf with the internet golf professional for less money. Good Swing play is a key to striaght well struck golf shots.

Golf explanation of swing plane

Golf explanation of swing plane

Go to to see more free videos. This lesson explains different aspects of the swing plane.