Beginner Golf Swing Tips: Laws, Principles and Preferences of The Golf Swing

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In this video I explain the differences between Laws that apply to the golf swing, the principles that support those laws and the preferences that make your golf swing uniquely yours.

You don’t need to memorize this stuff but I feel it is important that you understand these key components of the golf swing as they will pop up through out what we teach you moving forward.

Beginner Golf Swing Tips: Making Laws, Principles and Preferences Work For Your Golf Swing

Let’s address these one at a time.

Laws, such as the law of gravity, are defined as “a statement of an order or relation of phenomena that so far as is known, is invariable under given conditions.”

If you try to defy gravity and jump off a building you will find that the law of gravity applies to everybody and you will come crashing to the ground. The only time that changes is in space.

There are five laws that apply to our golf swing:

1. Speed
a. This is the velocity that the club head is traveling. Speed influences the distance the ball will travel.

2. Centeredness
a. Centeredness is about finding the “sweet spot” or that perfect contact area in the center of the club face.

3. Path
a. This is the path on which the clubhead travels

4. Face
a. The club face determines the accuracy of your ball flight. Typically the club face should be at right angles to your club path.

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5. Angle of Approach
a. the angle of approach influences the balls spin rate and trajectory which influences the distance the ball travels.

As you go through various lessons I want you to recognize these laws because like gravity they cannot be broken.

The slower your clubhead speed, the shorter you will hit the ball…PERIOD!

That’s how laws work.

Where laws are absolute (I don’t want any of you quantum physics geeks emailing me about the possibility of a parallel universe or any of that garbage ), Principles, on the other hand, are somewhat more subjective.

Principles also get divided into two categories; pre-swing and in swing.

A principal will have a primary influence on either distance or direction, and have an effect on one or more of the laws.

I am not going to list all of them here because again, I don’t want anyone trying to memorize this list. As we go through the lessons we’ll identify things as either laws principles or preferences and learn them as we go.

There are approximately 14 main principles, but this list is in no way all-inclusive.

Who knows, one of you may even come up with a new principle!

And when you do shoot me an email!

Beginner Golf Swing Tips: Limitless Preferences

Preferences are really what determines an individual’s style.

Preferences as they apply to the golf swing are virtually endless.

Some of you may have your shoulders aimed left of the target and others to the right of the target.

Is your stance open, square or closed?


Where is your ball positioned?

Do you take your club back slow or fast and easier swing plane flat or up right?

These preferences are the choices that you’ll make when it comes to your own golf swing.

So, the laws are fixed, the principles are somewhat limited in the preferences are seemingly endless. There are so many techniques and combinations thereof that can form a solid golf swing.

If you look at Ben Hogan’s grip, stance and swing, they are very different from Lee Trevino’s, but their ball flights are almost identical.

Beginner Golf Swing Tips: Conclusion of Laws, Principles and Preferences

Remember, I’m not asking you to memorize all this stuff immediately. I would rather that we sprinkle it amongst of the lessons and you pick it up along the way. It’s a much easier and more natural way to learn these.

Teaching the golf swing is not pure or exact science.

The golf swing in itself is not pure or exact science.

Even after all these years of the game of golf being played and taught all over the world, no one has been able to find a one size fits all solution.

I encourage you to keep searching for new and better ways to swing your golf club. But while searching, always maintain your own personality and use a method that suits you best.

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