Become a Single Digit Handicap with These Tips!

Making the jump to single digit handicap is difficult, but it’s certainly possible with the right practice and fundamentals. Watch this video to learn how to play better golf and lower your scores so you can enjoy the game more!

If you’re serious about becoming a single digit handicap golfer, then you need to watch this video! In it, we’ll show you how to practice, play better golf, and have fun while you’re doing it. We’ll also share some tips on how to lower your scores and become a better player. After watching this video, you’ll be on your way to becoming a single digit handicap golfer!

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So you want to be a single digit Handicap golfer that's great you've Certainly gone to the right place I'm George Conde with Crouch golf tips and Today I'm going to be talking about Three specific tips that you can Implement in your practice and play that Will help you drop that handicap down And get into the single digits less than Five percent of all golfers who carry a Handicap are in the single digits I'm Not going to sit here and say that it is An easy accomplishment it will take work It'll take practice and it may be pretty Mentally frustrating at times but I Think that these tips are going to make The process a little bit more enjoyable And a little easier for you now the First tip is going to be relating to Short game often I talk about hey if you Want to become a great golfer if you Want lower scores you need to practice Your short game and that's true but I'm Going to give a specific aspect of the Short game that we can focus on to get That handicap a little bit lower the Specific aspect of short game I'm Talking about are what I like to refer To as basic chips what we're going to Want to do is really dial in our play With basic chip tips so that whenever We're faced with one we're gonna be Getting them up and down maybe 80 90 of The time now when I say basic chips I'm

Referring to a chip in the Fairway from A fairly flat lie to a pin that is Accessible when I say appendix Accessible I mean you have green to work With there's no bunkers there's no water In the way it's just a straightforward Basic chip if you're 20 yards away from A pin and you have nothing but Fairway And green between you you should Absolutely be getting those up and down 75 or more of the time if you want to Notably lower the handicap these are Shots that are very easy to practice you Can practice them all the time and you Should be getting them up and down what I want you to be doing is have a Standard pitch shot or standard Chip Shot that you can regularly turn to so That whenever you step up to a basic Chip you say all right let me take out My 56 let me take out my 52. whatever That club is know the club know where You want to land the ball know the Trajectory so that you can turn to it Generally speaking it is advantageous to Hit a lower trajectory shot we don't Want to be taking out our 60 degree Wedge and flopping the ball up in the Air if that's not something that we have To do so I would implore you to maybe Try a 50 to 56 degree wedge put it a Little bit back in the stance and just Have a nice low flight with a little bit Of check on it work on those shots work

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On choosing a landing point and getting The ball up close to the hole a lot of This is feel mechanics are certainly a Little bit important when we're talking About chipping but it's feel it's Repetition it's practice so continue to Work on that shot and I'll tell you what Once you can really dial in that go-to Chip Shot for those basic chips it makes Golf a lot more fun you maybe you maybe You hit a seven iron just short of the Green one you're driving that card up There you're thinking well I'm gonna Make par anyway because I have this shot In the bag it creates a lot of Confidence you can swing more freely With your approach shot it frees up Other parts of the game I'll tell you What having that basic Chip Shot locked In and dialed it around the greens will Really free up your game and lower your Scores now in this next tip we're going To talk about yardages more importantly Diversifying your yardages with each Club now essentially what I mean by that Is if you have a seven iron that'll go 160 yards you need to find ways to hit That seven iron up to 170 and down to 145 150 yards you need to be playing Around with ways to attack yardages from Different angles with different clubs I Will preface that having some type of Technology uh whether it's a flight Scope trackman if you're doing this

Indoors on a golf simulator having that Kind of technology to give you instant Quantitative feedback is super helpful The reason that it's important to have These varying yardages with each Club is Because you never know what you're going To be faced with on the course when We're on the driving range we're not Thinking about the wind we're not Thinking about where the bunkers and Where the water are we're just focused On hitting the ball fairly straight and That's fine but it's important to work Away from that at times because that's Not always what we're thinking about on The golf course sometimes there's going To be a big gust of it in your face and Instead of hitting a big eight iron You're gonna need to know how to hit a Little seven iron hit it a little bit Lower take some take some spin off of it Get that trajectory down it won't be Affected by the wind just Just options available to you is crucial For course management and being able to Play through some adverse conditions Because if you're trying to lower your Handicap you need to practice and play a Decent amount of golf every day that you Play golf it's not going to be perfect Weather ensure you can put a PPC into Your handicap which will help a little Bit if you have adverse conditions but Just being able to hold your composure

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And having different options on the golf Course is going to free you up as well Now the final tip is a very important One and it's not necessarily related to The technicalities of golf or the Practice but it is simply to find a way To enjoy the process of improving golf Now you may be thinking yourself George Really your final tip is to enjoy golf Well let me explain a little bit when You are trying say you're a 15 handicap And you want to get down to a nine those Shaving those six points off your Handicap is not going to be easy it Simply won't be you're gonna need to Work hard you're going to need to Practice and a lot of people think of Golf as a hobby which I totally Understand I think of it as a hobby so Well but if you want to get better You're going to have to push yourself And you're gonna have to work on things You don't want to work on at times if You really want to see notable change Now it is totally fine if you don't want To see notable change in your golf game I totally understand that people get Content with where they are and they Just want to stay there if that's how You enjoy golf then absolutely do it but You are you you will likely click on These videos because you want to be Better at golf so you're going to have To do that work find creative ways to

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Enjoy it because if you don't enjoy it You're not going to continue doing it if You have to practice twice a week in Order to get to a single digit handicap Which that will it will take that level Of commitment for many people you're Going to need to make those two practice Sessions a week somewhat enjoyable make Them fun because one if you don't do That you're going to quit two this is a Time commitment don't waste time just Smacking balls and getting upset because You're not hitting the ball well find Games find things you can aim at have Point totals play play around on the Range just so that you can hit different Shots carve out different carve out Different parts of the golf course in Your mind on the driving range there's a Bunch of different things that you can Do to make it more enjoyable you need to Find some level combination between Enjoying the process and being Productive and if you can find a way That you can really get productive and That you fall in love with that process That's where great golfers are born let Me know what you think about these tips And if you have become a single digit Handicap yourself let me know if you Have any other tips that people could Benefit from in the comment section down Below we always appreciate your feedback On these videos If you enjoyed this

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