Today is show you how to create a free training aid for your putting with alignment sticks and tee pegs. As well as this i show you my journey in week 2 of the practice diaries. Take control of your game and the most influential part the putting. Learn to hole more putts


I’ve turned my passion of golf into a full time job, and take great pride in helping every single one of my clients improve their golf game. For the last 6 years I have built up my own golf coaching and playing ability by caddying on the European and Challenge Tour, as well as working across different golf clubs in Europe. From caddying on tour, and witnessing the golfing ability of the best players in the world, my course management and coaching credentials has excelled tremendously. These 3 moves are limiting your power and accuracy and therefore your ability to play your best golf.

I’ve learnt more about golf from caddying than I ever could of imagined, I simplify golf coaching, and my clients have found outstanding, improvements.

This is my channel to which i will share all my favourite drills and tips to help you improve and start enjoying your golf MORE

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Instagram: @alexelliottgolf
Facebook: @alexelliottgolf

See also  Golf - How To Build The Perfect Backswing

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