Putting is one of the most important aspects of golf, and a proper putting stroke is key to success. In this video, we’ll show you the correct putting stroke path for you, from the initial takeaway from the ball to the follow-through.
By following this simple guide, you’ll be able to improve your putting and sink more putts in no time! This guide is simple to follow and will help you putt better every time you play!
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Hey everybody thanks for tuning in I'm George Conley with scratch golf tips and Today we're going to be talking about The putting stroke most specifically the Path that the putter takes throughout The putting stroke now you may have Heard or been taught specific paths that The putter should take some people are Of the belief that the putters should 100 go straight forward and back others Prefer a little bit of an arch in the Putting stroke So today we're going to Be talking about each one of them and if They're feasible first off to answer the Question of which stroke path is better Straight or Arc there is no correct Answer just like most things in golf Just like most things regarding the Putting stroke there isn't a correct Answer depends on the golfer the Comfort Level and the amount of practice the you Know a bunch of different things go into It so there isn't a right and wrong Answer but certain Strokes will Absolutely cater more to certain golfers So first off a straight out to in stroke Is obviously more simple there's less up In the air because when you have an arc You can go away from that Arc some People have an arc where the pot butter Comes too far inside some people have an Arc that actually goes outside and comes Across the ball all of that Hassle and Stress is eliminated from the out in
Putting stroke so it certainly is a Little bit more simple another thing That you don't have to worry about is Club face rotation so if you are coming Straight on there is no rotation of the Club face the way that the club face Sits on the ground at a dress is the Same way that club face will be at the End of the takeaway and through the ball It maintains the same that's absolutely Simpler it's especially simpler when Compared to an arcing putting stroke Because with an arcing putting stroke You'll see that the face comes open and Then there's a release and you want the Club face to be square to the ball at That release point and then it will Close down through the putting stroke This obviously does complicate things a Little bit more and if someone doesn't Have a lot of feel over their putting if You have an open Club face or a slightly Closed Club face it is very hard to make Putts because even if it's open just a Fraction of the way at impact or it's Closed a little bit your putt is not Going to start off in the right line It's very difficult to gauge speed Etc So generally what we see is a naturally Gifted putter someone who just has Always been good at putting they usually Have blade Putters which is something Like this a very small putter head while People who aren't as gifted as gifted in
Putting will have some type of Mallet Head something that's a lot larger than A blade generally those great gifted Putters will have a little bit of an arc In their stroke because that's the way That they flow and again the big issue The big con to having that arcing stroke Is it's a little bit more complex you're Going to have to navigate the club face A little bit you're gonna have to Navigate that path you're gonna have to Work on releasing of the wrists but for A lot of people especially the great Great Putters on tour they just find That fairly simple now someone who Generally is not as gifted with a putter In their hands and has to work a little Bit more on their stroke generally Benefits a little bit more from having An out a straight out to in uh path Because again it's just a lot simpler It's comfortable it's very repeatable if You can just rock the shoulders so Generally that's what the the Lesser Talented Putters will turn to it's also Worth noting that you can have sort of a Hybrid path where you're just barely Arcing it so instead of going directly Out to in or having a pretty notable Arc You can just have a very slight Arc Going through the ball that's what a lot Of people turn to just a happy medium But again I can't stand here and say hey This is what works it's going to take
Practice it's going to take time Generally the advice that I would give Would be hey whatever gives you the best Speed control on the ball whatever Putting stroke you can hit consistently And have a consistent control of your Speed that is what you want to go with It doesn't I don't care if you're using A belly putter I don't care if you're Going way into out whatever can create That consistency because if you can Strike the ball consistently with the Putter then it's all about matching up The speed to the Reed and once you have That you're going to start seeing putts Go so now you know the pros and cons Tons of the arced and the straight Putting stroke path I'd be curious to See how you guys like it on the Range The good news about this this type of Putter stroke change is it's pretty easy Just to try both of them on the on the Putting green or even a putting mat at Home or whatever you have to put on it's Pretty easy to experiment when as if if You were trying to change your golf Swing you know you have the full swing Changing those mechanics isn't easy you Can't just do that in a snap of a finger You can do it a little bit with the Putting Strokes just play around with it See what's comfortable see where you can Get more consistency if you enjoyed this Video I'd appreciate it very much if
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