Golf Downswing Transition : How to keep club in Front of You!! Hey Everybody Terry here in this video we are going to talk about the golf downswing transition and how to keep the golf club in front of your body.

The point of keeping the club in front of us on the downswing is a very confusing swing position for most golfers. The golf downswing transition for most golfers feel that they will slice the ball because of the feeling of not helping the ball into the air. But getting the club out in front of the body is vital on squaring the club face.

It all starts with the takeaway; the club face stays in front of the hands as the club gets to parallel to the ground on your target line. And on the golf downswing transition as the club comes back to parallel to the ground on your target line. It may feel like your pushing the club off your target line to the outside, but rest assured your not.

As the club falls into place on the golf downswing transition do not lift your head keep your head behind the ball to prevent the club from coming over the top.

With the correct grip and posture this move is effortless in its execution. Have fun working on this move from

See also  The Golf Swing Weekly Fix Club Face and Swing Plane

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