Golf Putting Drill #1 – The Simple 30 Putt Drill

Putting Drill #1 – Golf lesson and golf tips on a simple 30 putt drill that will help you compare your putting game with that of the professional golfers.

► The Simple 30 Putt Drill – Video Golf Lesson Summary

In this putting lesson we will explore the 30 putt drill. Obviously, practicing putting is very important if you aim to improve that part of your game yet few golfers actually take the time to practice putting seriously. We’ll show you a putting drill to help you along the way.

In this drill, stick 4 tee pegs into the ground, on all four sides of the hole at around the shaft length distance from the hole, or around 3 feet. Doing so will allow you to practice putts from all angles, including downhill, uphill, left to right and right to left. Hit a putt from one tee and move on to the next after holeing it. Do 10 putts in total from that distance, rotating from one tee to the next.

After that, move your tee pegs from 3 feet from the hole to 6 feet. Hit another 10 putts while rotating around your tees before moving on to 9 feet and doing the same from that distance.

As you do, always use the same golf ball and if you miss your first putt, make sure to hole out on the second putt.

It is important to set yourself an objective as you do this putting drill. Try making 20 out of your 30 first putts go into the hole. Specifically, you should aim to make around 9 out of 10 of your 3-feet putts, 6 or 7 out of your 6 feet putts and finally 4 or 5 of your 9 feet putts. Count them up, then focus and practice on the length and type of putts that you are most struggling with.

See also  The 10-Foot Putting Points Challenge | Easy Golf Putting Tips And Drills

Finally, notice how this drill highlights how important it is that you hit your chips and first putts to within 3 feet of the hole, where you have the highest odds of making your putts. Doing so will allow you to make more pars and fewer bogeys, regardless of how hot your putting game is on a particular day.

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