How To Fix Over The Top – 2 Simple Drills

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In this tip I talk about the amount you are coming over the top and how it is relative to the amount you are leaning towards the target as you start down. The more you lean the more over the top you come.

The amount of over the top is also related to your handicap. This isn’t a hard and fast rule but what I typically see is the higher the handicap, the more over the top the person swings.

To fix the over the top first understand how much you are coming over the top so you know how much you need to tilt behind the ball in the downswing. Once you know this do the couple of drills I have in this tip. I would probably do them in a mirror or pick up a LiveView Pro so you can see exactly what you are doing so you can fix it even faster.

Curing and over the top swing takes understanding, time and repetition. Stick with it because once you fix it you will hit the ball way longer and straighter which will dramatically improve your scores.

In my honest opinion, the LiveView Pro truly is the best training aid for golf on the market today. Do yourself a favor and pick one up today. Shane gave me special pricing which you can see here:

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See also  The Dark Ages

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