Learn Tiger Woods Putting Stroke: How to Lag and Release the Putter

Click the link above to see the full “Putting Grip” video for FREE!!

Click the link above to see the full “Putting Stroke” video for FREE!!

I bet you have heard a lot about Steve Stricker and Tiger Woods working on putting. So what exactly did they change and how can this help your game.

In the stroke they worked on very little itself. He was mostly wanting tiger to try and release the putter a bit differently, but there was a noticeable change in the grip.

I can see that Tiger is now gripping the club more in the palm, as we have advised for years with the Rotary Swing.

So if you would like to sink more putts and beat your friends more often, I recommend taking a look at these videos.

Click the link below to see the full “Putting Grip” video for FREE!!:

Click the link below to see the full “Putting Stroke” video for FREE!!:

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