98% of Golfers Can’t Break 80 – Here’s How you Can

In this video, we discuss the reasons why so many golfers find it very difficult to break 80. We also offer numerous tips to help you improve your practice and playing in order to shoot in the 70s.
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Hey everybody thanks for tuning in on George Conley with scratch golf tips Today we're going to be talking about The concept of breaking 80. breaking 80 Is a bucket list there for so many Golfers so I'm going to talk about some Of the things that you can do and Actively think of and practice that will Make breaking 80 a lot less hard for you Now I know that on my own golf Journey Breaking 80 was a huge milestone that I Wanted to hit and the first time that I Broke 80 I was ecstatic it felt great And then the dominoes kept falling after That my first time breaking 80 I think The next two rounds I also broke 80 and Then I really hit a nice stride in golf So I'm going to talk about what I did Personally and then we're going to talk About some other things and some Misconceptions that a lot of people Think about I need to do X Y and Z to Break 80 when it's actually quite the Opposite so for my own journey to Breaking 80 I can look at two specific Things that turned breaking 80 to Something that was super difficult and Frustrating into very attainable and Eventually breaking 80. the first thing That I worked on a lot that was pivotal In helping me break 80 was finding a Consistent shot shape now when I say a Consistent shot shape I'm referring to My Approach shots most specifically

Where I was able to hit a very high Controlled Fade Into most uh into most Greens that I was approaching I was also Able to hit a fairly consistent draw This allowed me to really dial in my Alignment and have options to work the Ball into the greens both ways having That ability to work the ball in both Ways is also so important for different Pin positions playing into different Wins playing from different parts of the Fairway getting around trees it's such a Pivotal part of the game to manage and Move around a golf course to be able to Move the ball both left and right and Right to left and do so on command and In a controlled way and those are the Two keys being able to do it on command And in a controlled way before this I Could hook a golf ball I could move the Ball right to left and I can move it all Left to right but I could not do it in a Controlled way I would be hitting these Big old hooks I couldn't hit that baby Draw that we always see on television And it's such a pretty ball fight but After spending a lot of time on the Range recording my swing and uh making The Tic Tac Toe grid on the Range and Being able to hit a high draw high fade Uh low draw low fade that was really uh Very crucial for me to dial in these Shots it did take a lot of time on the Range a lot of time with the seven iron

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On my hand callousing up those hands but You get a nice feel about your wrist About your your move through transition Impact it helped so much and that was One of the main keys in doing so in in Breaking 80. another aspect that was Very important in Breaking 80 was for me To fully understand golf course Management and how I should be attacking And approaching golf holes golf course Management boils down to the club Selection that you have being able to Read wind being able to read greens Knowing hey this is a very narrow hole Maybe I shouldn't hit driver let me go Back back and hit a three iron off the T That just comes with time it can be Taught but just understanding your game And understanding what shots that you Are most confident in that you can Execute Under Pressure having those Abilities comes with just playing a Decent amount of golf on a course I will Also say that recording your shots and Writing down what clubs you're hitting Some people have a pretty photographic Memory with that stuff if I'm playing a Course I know well I remember all the Golf shots I hit so being able to look Back on that or writing down the notes And looking back on the notes will help You say well hey I hit driver eight Times I hit Three Wood six times I hit All my Fairways with the three wood and

I only hit 50 with the driver having That ability to think both qualitatively And quantitatively on your golf game is Very important for your course Management now those are two quick Things that helped me personally become A golfer who could consistently break 80 But there are a few things that are very Generalized that can help anyone who Really finds breaking 80 difficult Called a lot more easy I think the Number one barrier that keeps most People away from breaking 80 is the Mentality that they have going into it Many people who are trying to break 80 Are thinking every par 5 I need to Attack I need to make a birdie do oh That's a short Par Four let me take out My driver let me make a birdie maybe I Can sneak an eagle out of a par five That is not the way that you should be Approaching around in which you can Break 80. you'd be surprised and I've Played golf with a lot of very gifted Golfers Um they don't make a ton of birdies on The PGA tour yes they make a ton of Birdies if you see a one or two handicap Who's regularly shooting in the mid 70s They're not out there making six birdies Around some are maybe you have a great Round and you make six birdies but the Real key in in shooting those low scores And a huge key in Breaking 80 is

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Avoiding doubles and more you're going To make bogeys you might even make one Double but when you're making triple Bogeys or you're making three double Bogeys on a front nine that's going to Completely wipe out your score so Understanding that bogeys are fine and If you're gonna break 80 you can't make A ton of bogeys if you're playing on a Standard par 72 course you can only make Seven mistakes you can only make seven Bogeys but if you're making one triple And maybe one double now you only have Two mistakes left you make two bogeys Okay now you need to make a part every Single hole and that puts a lot of Pressure on you so being able to really Eradicate anything above a bogey or Excuse me a double bogey keeping you Know taking your medicine if you hit a Horrible tee shot play for bogey don't Play for the hero shot don't try and hit A 250 yard Three Wood slice into a hole Take your medicine take your bogey move On to the next hole and then the pars Will start ringing off so that's a huge Key from the mental standpoint and for Anyone looking to practice a particular Part of your game so many people think Oh if I need to break 80 I need to hit Some nice long drive and you did it 300 On The Fairway or I need to be hitting My irons to eight feet I need to dial in Those uh no the number one thing that

You should be practicing is getting up And down around the greens because if You're playing 18 holes of golf you're Not going to hit every green and red You're going to put yourself in some Tough situations around the green and Stepping up to those thinking well I'll Hit a chip to 30 feet I'll two putt Maybe three putt bogey or double you you Can't be playing that way you can't have That mentality when you're trying to do Something as difficult as breaking 80. If you're in the Fairway say 20 yards From the pin you need to be making Parlay now if you're in that position Five times in a round you you're Probably not gonna go five or five but You need to be dialing in around the Greens your putty needs to be great you Need to be a good lag putter breaking 80 Is not easy the high high majority of Golfers even golfers who play their Entire life they won't break 80. Shooting in the 70s is difficult so you Need to be willing to put in practice To gain confidence and to gain the Ability to hit different shots around The Green from rough from Green side Bunkers from the Fairway from tight lies From thick lies whatever it is take some Time around the greens the good news is I find practicing short getting very fun Just head over to a green or if you have A putting mat you can work on your


Putting from the comfort of your own House just throw some balls down give Yourself different lies uphill downhill Thick thick rough thin lies on The Fairway try it all try it all and be Confident in your ability to practice And prepare yourself on the golf course So across the board we run over four Different things for myself personally We went over shot shaping and course Management and then as a general that Can help everyone else out we're talking About mentality and we touched upon the Importance of practicing your short game Those are the four main keys that I Could sum up that have helped me and That I've seen help many other golfers If you have some different keys or if You have any questions about things that I've mentioned in this video I'd love For you to let me know leave in the Comment section below I read and respond To all comments if you found this video Helpful and you enjoyed the content put Forth please leave a like rating on the Video that helps us for two reasons one It shows me that you're enjoying this Type of content which helps me Cater This type of content to more people who Will find it helpful it also helps YouTube understand that people are Enjoying it and it will show this kind Of content to more people if you'd like To see more content like this or an

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