9 Iron Drill (for beginners) – Part 1

A really great drill and one of my favourites! Ideal for golfers just learning the game or more experienced players that have lost the timing and rhythm of their swings. You can monitor and fix many issues with this one simple and very practical drill.

The Art Of Teaching

Finding the ONE thing that causes 3 wrong things… getting to the root of the problem. Be careful not to change too much from the temptation of golf magazine tips, drills and the comments of your playing partners.

Start playing an easier game…

My definition of a good swing is:

“A swing that can deliver the club head at speed at right angles to the target line on a path that coincides with that. As often as possible!” – Murdoch McEwan

The art of the golf instructor is to: Work with your natural gift. Work around and with your limitations… try and use practical drills… don’t try and change the impossible and lose sight of what got you good in the first place.. if you’re just starting this great game then understand the basic fundamentals and try simple drills to help give you the most important and “basic” feelings..

Learn from PGA Professional Murdoch McEwan, a former England International and Tour Professional.

Designed for beginner, avid and the Professional tournament golfer.


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