5 Tips for Beginner Golfers | Golf Lessons

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Taking up golfing? Learn five tips that will help improve your golf game in this video.

Hi, my name is Michael Samaniego golf professional at Chalk Mountain Golf Course. Chalk Mountain Golf Course is a championship level golf course with 3 professional golfers, including myself. And today I’m going to talk to you about golf. There are a handful of golf tips for beginners. First of all, remember to find yourself a good golf teacher; somebody who you can have good communications with and have a good relationship. Second, remember to get good equipment. Equipment is very important for our sport. And make sure the equipment matches your golf swing. Third, make sure that you invest in your time, invest your time in your practice, your practice routine. The more time that you invest in your golf swing, the better results you’re gonna have. Fourth, relax. When you’re out there playing golf it’s all about relaxing and enjoying the scenery. And finally, have a good time. Remember there’s nothing worse than being in a sport or in a situation that you’re not enjoying. Golf is an enjoyable sport. Have fun.

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