5 Super Simple Golf Tips from Andy North

If you’re serious about getting better at golf and practicing your game, this is a great practice station drill to help you improve your golf game.

2-time U.S. Open Champion Andy North discusses why alignment and ball position are so important in golf, and how you can use two alignment rods to set up a practice station to get more consistency with both.

Chipping around the green can be difficult if you don’t have proper technique. In this video, 2x U.S. Open golf winner Andy North shows us how we can use the same technique with 3 different clubs to simplify our short game and get more consistency around the greens.


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Golf Bunker Shots can be easy if you know a few quick tips to approach these dreaded shots.

In this video, 2-time U.S. Open winner Andy North gives us a simple lesson on how to get properly set up for bunker shots, and how practicing this shot can help you find success in no time!

Here are some quick highlights:
– Open your club face slightly, but don’t just turn your wrists to open
– Open your stance to help compensate for the open face
– Splash the sand shallow, don’t dig
– Practice bunker shots once in a while!

See also  Fix Early Extension in Your Golf Swing with These Simple Drills!

If you take a practice swing that is nice and easy, then line up to the ball and try swinging out of your shoes, this advice is definitely for you.

Andy North talks about how the average amateur golfer is definitely swinging the club too hard on most shots, which gets them out of balance and ruins a good tempo swing. Dialing back the aggressiveness of the swing and staying properly balanced will help with your consistency, and letting the club do the work will show you that you don’t have to swing for the fences to get the ball going.

Follow these simple tips from Andy, and you will be on your way to playing better golf in no time!

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