10 Minutes of This Putting Drill = 5 Strokes off your Handicap

Welcome to our blog post, where we share a simple putting drill that guarantees a significant reduction in your golf handicap. Are you ready to unlock your true potential on the greens? Join us as we delve into this effective 10-minute practice routine that could save you up to five strokes on your next round. Let’s dive in and revolutionize your putting game!


In this article, we will guide you through our favorite putting drill, the clock drill, which has the potential to reduce your handicap by 5 strokes in just 10 minutes. We will break down the drill, explain its benefits, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to set it up and perform it effectively. So, let’s dive in and see how this simple yet powerful putting drill can transform your game!

The Clock Drill: A Game-Changer for Putting

Putting is often considered the most crucial aspect of the game of golf. It requires precision, control, and a keen eye for reading putts. The clock drill is designed to enhance all these skills and more. By practicing this drill for just 10 minutes a day, you can significantly improve your putting performance and shave off valuable strokes from your handicap.

Breaking Down the Drill

The clock drill revolves around the concept of placing tees around a green, creating a clock-like setup. You will start from a specific tee and hit 3ft putts towards the hole. After successfully holing the putt from one tee, you move to the next, progressing clockwise or counterclockwise, just like the hands of a clock. This systematic approach allows you to practice all types of putts, including downhill left to right, downhill right to left, uphill left to right, and uphill right to left.

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The Importance of Reading Putts and Pre-Putt Routine

While the clock drill primarily focuses on improving putt execution, it also emphasizes the significance of reading putts and going through a consistent pre-putt routine. This holistic approach ensures that you develop a well-rounded putting game.

When setting up for each putt, take your time to carefully read the green, noting any breaks, slopes, or undulations. This analysis will help you determine the correct line and speed to send the ball on. Additionally, make sure to follow your usual pre-putt routine, including visualizing the putt, aligning your putter face, and taking practice strokes to establish the right feel.

Confidence, Reading Putts, and Developing a Good Roll

The clock drill directly impacts three crucial aspects of putting: confidence, reading putts, and developing a consistent roll on the golf ball. As you progress through the drill, successfully holing putts from different positions, you will gain confidence in your putting abilities. By constantly exposing yourself to various slopes and breaks, your skills in reading putts will improve, allowing you to make more accurate judgments on the course. Moreover, the repetition of hitting putts from different angles will help you develop a smooth and consistent roll, minimizing mishits and ensuring a better chance of sinking the putt.

The Aim Small, Miss Small Mentality

During the clock drill, it is essential to adopt the “aim small, miss small” mentality. Instead of aiming for the entire hole, pick a precise spot within the hole and aim for that. By narrowing your focus, you increase your chances of hitting your target with precision. This mindset builds confidence and encourages greater accuracy, ultimately leading to improved putting performance.


Utilizing the Putt Tracker

To keep track of your progress during the drill, consider using a putt tracker. This device allows you to count successful putts and evaluate your performance over time. By setting and beating personal records, you can motivate yourself to push further and constantly improve your putting skills.

Setting Up the Drill

Setting up the clock drill is both simple and flexible. All you need are tees and a putting green. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Select a flat area on the putting green that allows for different distances and angles.
  2. Place a tee at the 12 o’clock position, approximately 3 feet away from the hole.
  3. Move to the next tee position, either clockwise or counterclockwise, and place another tee 3 feet away from the hole.
  4. Repeat this process until you have tees resembling the hours on a clock (e.g., 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock).


The clock drill is an efficient and effective way to improve your putting skills and reduce your handicap. By dedicating just 10 minutes a day to this drill, you can enhance your confidence, reading putts, and overall roll quality. Remember to adopt the aim small, miss small mentality and use a putt tracker to monitor your progress. So, grab your putter, set up the clock drill, and start knocking strokes off your handicap today!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Is the clock drill suitable for beginners?
  • Absolutely! The clock drill is beneficial for players of all skill levels. It helps beginners develop a solid foundation in putting, while also providing more experienced golfers with an opportunity to refine their skills.
  1. Can I practice the clock drill on any putting green?
  • Yes, the clock drill can be done on any putting green as long as you have enough space to place the tees at various distances and angles from the hole.
  1. How often should I practice the clock drill?
  • We recommend practicing the clock drill for at least 10 minutes a day to see noticeable improvements in your putting performance. Consistency is key!
  1. Can I modify the clock drill to focus on specific types of putts?
  • Absolutely! If you feel you need more practice with specific types of putts, such as uphill left to right, you can modify the clock drill accordingly. Customize it to address your specific needs.
  1. Do I need any special equipment for the clock drill?
  • No, the clock drill can be performed with just a putter, tees, and a putting green. No special equipment is required. Just bring your determination and enthusiasm for improving your putting game!
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