🆒🎼🎶🥁 Bingo! This Golf Swing Secret Will “Change Golf Instruction Forever”…

From: Jeff Richmond – Director of Instruction, Consistent Golf

I want to let you know one thing… it’s not your fault.

It’s not your fault that a perfect golf swing alludes you.  For decades now, golf instructors have come out with magazines, DVD’s, etc. in order to cash in on helping struggling golfers.


The problem with that?  All of this instruction is CONTRADICTORY.  You know it, and I know it.

One article says keep your left arm straight and heel on the ground.  The next articles says lift your heel and let you arm bend a bit… then an instructional video you just saw tells you to just “use your natural swing.”

Pardon my language… but it’s all crap.  It’s fluff.  Smoke and mirrors designed to keep feeding the golf publishing business and keep the gravy train running full steam ahead.

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